Monday, October 28, 2019

Kettle Corn

In preparing for the Pumpkin Walk, we have to make kettle corn to give out to anyone and everyone.  Last year they gave out 5000 bags.  They made a bunch ahead and then made it onsite.
We spent two days making about 3000 bags.  We only stopped because we ran out of bags.
The oil, popcorn and sugar are put in the cooker and then stirred with the big wooden paddles until it is all popped.
President and Sister Lusvardi came in from carving pumpkins just in time to help with the very last batch.  Elder Pleshek and Carlson are giving President some instruction.
When Sister Prettyman first told Elder Pleshek that he needed an apron, gloves and eye protection, he wasn't very receptive to the idea.  It didn't take more than one batch to convince him otherwise.
That's a lot of kernals!
Elders Pleshek and Prettyman did a lot of popping!
Sister Prettyman and I helped a myriad of other sisters in bagging all the bags of popcorn and then putting them in trash bags to keep them fresh and make them easier to haul to the area on Mulholland where they were distributed. 
I will say that it was a lot of work, but it was so much fun!  It was very social to visit with all the Elders and Sisters while we worked.  I look forward to doing it again next year.

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