Wednesday, August 28, 2019

NFM Flag Ceremony

We learned early on that when missionaries leave the Facilities Management team here in the Nauvoo Mission that they are given a flag with the NFM logo on it.  All of our shirts have this logo and I guess the flag is a reminder of all we have accomplished while here. The photos are of the FM missionaries that have left us since we got here.  No particular order.
Ernie and Shirlayne Corder
I took over her position as the secretary and he is a brick mason.
Incredible people who served us as our zone leaders.
Ron and Sharon Hayhurst.  
He is a heavy equipment operator.  She works sites rather than FM.
Matt & Caren Nelson
She worked grounds and he was the handyman.
They were also our district leaders.
Kay and Larry Christensen
She worked grounds and he was an electrician fixing appliances.
Julie and Bernie Warner
She was the mail lady/sewing sister/runner and he was in construction.

Elder Baker left us unexpectedly when he had some major back issues.  I didn't know him at all so I never took a picture.  His wife was in sites rather than FM.

Each time one of these people leave, we give them a "Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah for Israel" cheer.  The other man in the photos in Jordan.  He is the FM manager, so for all practical purposes, he is the boss.  

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