Wednesday, August 21, 2019


Living in this place has been an incredible experience.  I've always had a very peaceful feeling upon entering the city of Nauvoo.  Living here is yet another thing.  As we've ridden our bicycles around the town and driven around, we've noticed that the modern part of the city is really quite dumpy for the most part.  Driving down Mulholland, coming into town has always given me this giddy feeling...especially when I get past the bank and see the temple.
Then there was this day a week or two ago when I looked off to the west and noticed the beautiful sunset.  This specific picture reminds me of home.  As I look over our back yard, I see trees and fields very much like this.  However, it doesn't make me homesick.  Such a peaceful feeling.
My ultimate peaceful feelings come as I gaze upon and enter the Lord's holy house.  We have the privilege of attending weekly which is something we've never been able to do before due to distance from the temple.  Instead of 3+ hours to get there, it now takes us 3 minutes.  What a blessing!
Lastly, serving a mission has pulled me out of the day to day cares. There are still things I have to deal with but there's so much that I don't.  There are stresses and contentions back home that I can absolutely ignore.  I count myself lucky to be doing what I'm doing in the place where we are.  

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