Friday, August 16, 2019

Lasts and a First

Wednesday was quite a day for lasts and it rolled right into Thursday.  First of all we had to say good-bye to our young performing missionaries.  Although I never spent any quantity of time with any of them to get to know them, I was so appreciative of their time and talents.  Summer here in Nauvoo is full of shows and concerts and these 55 young people are what make all of that happen.  They will be missed but some of them and a whole new group will be back next May.
They sang a few songs to us at the end of mission training before heading out to the airport.  Then, we sang "God be With You".  It was tender as I watched them.  What great people!
Then in the evening we had our Red Cast dinner.  We grew to know and love so many people that we would never have gotten to know without being part of Sunset By the Mississippi.  Elder and Sister Julander were our cast managers.  Elder Julander wrote and cowboy poem and shared it with us.  I look forward to being in this production again next year and making new friends.
On Tuesday, Jordan asked to talk to me during break.  He asked me to take the assignment of being the new FM secretary.  I look forward to that opportunity but I will miss being with the grounds sisters each day.  I have come to love these ladies so very much.  Working together truly brings people closer.
After Sisters Christensen and Nelson left, we fit in the van quite comfortably.  We continued our work the same as always but somehow when it came to the watering detail each morning, Sisters Bailie and Barrow always went together and Sister Grigsby and I went together.  We are so much alike in many ways.  She is 15 years older than I am but that doesn't matter.  She's my best girlfriend here and I have such a tender spot in my heart for her.  The upside and downside of this office job is that Sister Grigsby will be leaving for home in a month.  The downside is that she will be leaving for home in a month.

The most difficult part about taking this new position is that I won't be able to work so closely with "my ladies" anymore. I will miss learning from them and getting to know more about them and their lives and families.  I will miss giggling with them.  I will just plain miss the camaraderie.  I will no longer have to be up at 5am, but then I won't be done at noon anymore either.

The positive part of this new position is that I won't be working out in the elements any longer.  I'll be sitting in my temperature controlled office.  There are sisters who work upstairs in conservation that I adore so I will be able to have lunch with them.  My hours are now 8:30-3:30.  More than the six hours required by the senior missionaries. I get to wear "real clothes" now rather than just the blue shirts. 

I started on Thursday after I finished watering so I've been able to have some training with Sister Corder.  She leaves next Friday so I only have a few days with her.  I'm doing my best to soak up everything I can.  I won't have the daily interactions with the other missionaries anymore, but I will have daily interactions with the full time employees which is also fun.

I've gained such a joy of gardening and an appreciation for the hard work in the blistering sun and heat.  I believe I will be a better gardener when I go back home.  I never thought I would say this, but I believe I will miss weeding.

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