Thursday, October 30, 2014

No Sadness This Year

Twenty-one years ago yesterday my mother passed from this life when she was far too young.  I thought about her yesterday and just smiled.  No sadness this year.  She and Dad are together again which makes my heart so, so happy.  I LOVE the plan of salvation!  I LOVE the temple covenants that bound them together on earth and in heaven!

I ponder at times how blessed my life it.  I had the meanest mother out there.  She was not easy on us, except maybe for Bonny.  The rest of us remember a mother who was demanding and could deal out consequences with firmness.  I'm sure my dad knew a different side of her as he adored her to the ends of the earth.  I was blessed with the kindest, most generous daddy anyone could ask for.  Somehow, they balanced one another. 

At any rate, I came to know a different side of my mother as an adult and more especially when I became a mother.  She had so much wisdom.  She helped me with so much emotionally, spiritually, financially and in just being a kinder, more patient mom.  Isn't that something?  She was hard on us and yet she wanted me to be more gentle in dealing with my own children.  I guess because those children were her grandbabies.  She LOVED being Nana to the grandchildren and they adored her. 

At times I have looked on my nieces, nephews and children as well as the next generation and thought about what my mom would say about them.  I can hear her comments.  She would comment how Cami is so smart and Adam's sensitivity and imagination.  She would have loved Andrew's imagination when he was a little boy.  She would love the spunk in Arianna.  I think she would comment about chunky little Dax.  She would love that Evie would have a conversation with her.  She would be so proud of her grandchildren who served missions.  She would pray for those who are straying or having a difficult time.  In fact, she probably does pray for and comment on all those things and many more.  I just don't get to hear it.

I recall when Tom was a baby.  He wasn't making the strides that he should.  He was delayed in all his milestones.  I remember very distinctly the day out in the garden (I was standing in the driveway) when she said that she and Dad felt that we should see a specialist about Tom.  It had to be difficult for her to talk to me about it.  I was so relieved that someone had an idea of what to do.  I will forever be grateful for her gentle boldness in opening her mouth and speaking what I needed to hear. 

Yes, I am blessed with parents that had amazing testimonies of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and served so willingly.  I was blessed with their example of how a loving marital relationship should look like and feel.  I think I found it.  As much as I miss each of them at different times, I am glad that they are together again!

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