Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Volleyball with Cami

How is it possible that this was Cami's senior year playing volleyball?
It seems we just started watching her play and just like that it's over. 
Over the last two years, especially, it was fun watching her gain more confidence in her abilities.  
There are so many talented athletes in her class and they all played volleyball!
I went to as many games as I could and line judged a few home games too. 
It was never guaranteed which of the teams would show up on any given game day.  The team played hot and cold.  Each match both teams could show up.  I'm sure it made coach Tim crazy.  The one thing I noticed is that Cami always played consistantly although she wasn't always on the court.
I believe she was voted the "Team's Choice" when the banquet was held.  That's a real compliment as she wasn't the best offensively or defensively but she was consistently there cheering for her team whether on the court or off.  I should have had a shirt that said, "Team Cami!"

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