Friday, August 25, 2023

Mendenhall Glacier

Our only excursion from the ship was in Juneau.  We signed up to do the Mendenhall glacier and whale watching tour.  It did not disappoint.  
There was recent flooding in this area so we saw a few ice burgs floating in the water.  
The glacier is receding but absolutely stunning!  
There's also a waterfall in the area but we weren't headed in that direction.  
This ice burg ended up on land because of the flooding.  
I'm amazed at how firmly packed those ice crystals are.  
A glacier selfie.
The whole area was absolutely beautiful!
The piece of the glacier on the land is very dirty.  Lots of sand, gravel and even rocks in and on it.  

The greens of the mountain are breathtaking.  
On our way back to the bus, we came across this sign.  I did see bear scat on the way to the glacier but it was a day or two old.  Our guide wears bear spray and never has had to use it.  After reading the directions on the can, I hope she never has to as it is only good for about an 8 second spray.  She better have great aim if that's the case. 

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