Sunday, June 4, 2023

Adventures with Eddie

With Cierra teaching while Andrew is going to school, I have the opportunity to watch Eddie again this school year.  He's grown up so much since last year.  I love that he talks to me and asks me to go to Walmart.
Sometimes we play with the Legos.  Most recently we've turned the Lego table into a garage for the Cars.  We also built planes and flew them around the room stopping on the table to fuel them up and take off again.  He can wear a Nana out!
Donuts with sprinkles are a hit!  Especially ones with chocolate frosting.  This one he ate all around the edges first.  What a silly guy!
When Erin comes along on a Tuesday, we go out shopping.  This day he scored two new cars at Walmart.
One day it was a bubble gun.  I had a time trying to figure it out, only to go to the Dollar Tree to get some batteries.  It works pretty good!
Spring means it is time for Qualheim's to have baby chicks and ducks in store.  On this day we watched the lady unload them into their bins before taking the time to pet them and love on them.
Sometimes, Papa will stop by and bring a donut.  On this day, he built a garage for all the cars made out of deer horns.  What a silly Papa!  I do love being with him and being able to keep him out of daycare or even out of a babysitting setting.  I love that I'm available to do this service for Andrew and Cierra.  It gives me a chance to bond with little Eddie.

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