Sunday, September 11, 2022


I was blessed with a wonderful mother-in-law.  I cannot express how much I love and care about her.   
At the end of June she had an emergency hernia surgery.  After that, she began having some forgetfulness and confusion.  When I went to see Dr. Stagle with her we were told that if she had the beginnings of dementia, an event such as the surgery could accelerate it.  That seems to be what happened. 
It's hard to believe how fast things have changed.  She also began having delusions.  One day she told me that there was a story on the National news about the riot that took place out in front of her home and that she was in that "fight".  She confided that she isn't strong enough to fight and didn't know why it happened.  She hoped the family wouldn't be embarrassed.  
It has been difficult to see all of this happening.  
Two weeks ago she had two abscesses rupture while at home alone.  She called an ambulance and was taken to the hospital and then transferred to Neenah.  Pat brought her home a week ago Friday.  Shorty was at the house when I got there to help clean up the mess left behind.  He decided to stay there until Mom got home.  Once she came home, he decided to stay through the holiday weekend.  
We got word that she can go live at Oak Haven, assisted living facility.  It will be a good fit for her.  Yesterday she decided that the drain tubes coming from her abdomen were the cause of her infection and she cut them off with a scissors.  Pat went over and through the assistance of the Spirit was able to fix them until they go back to the doctor on Thursday. Today she told Polly that she was only staying at Oak Haven for two months until she was all healed.  She doesn't realize yet that she cannot stay in her home alone anymore.  She gets dizzy and she falls.  
I pray for her to have the opportunity to go "home" to live with her family members who have gone before her.  

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