Monday, September 13, 2021

Elder Tom

 During a lesson while we were in the MTC I had the strongest feeling that we are holding Tom back by not allowing him to go through the temple.  This guy is already guaranteed Celestial glory so why would he need these further covenants?  We contacted our stake president and told him of our revelation.  He reached out to our bishop but we never heard anything.  When we got home we talked about it again with President Lonsdale.  He said it would be good for us to reach out to bishop Hoffman.

When we sat down with bishop, he told us of his experience.  He saw Tom walking through the chapel one day and had the impression that Tom needed to receive the temple endowment.  He had a discussion with Jeff and was assured that Tom has much more capability than it seems.  Good.  Now we were all in the same place.
We knew there needed to be interviews but were unaware when the first one took place.  President Olsen did the second interview.  Last week in testimony meeting, Tom eagerly got up and told everyone how excited he was for stake conference and how excited he was to be in Elders Quorum and how excited he was to go to the temple for his endowment.
Yesterday at stake conference, he was sustained to receive the Melchizedek priesthood.  Then just after 4pm, our family along with his quorum President, Dennis Rekow, the Raddants and Newell came over to witness this event.  Andrew was voice.  Pat didn’t even stand in the circle.  He wanted his brothers to take care of this ordination.  It was tender to listen to Andrew and then to watch Tom hug all his brethren.  
Next step is to get the recommend so we can take him to the temple in October.  

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