I suppose there was a day when I thought Mother's day was something really cool. Probably back when I was a new mom. Then back in 1993 when my own mother passed on, I realized how wonderful she was and how unappreciating I was. I'd go to church to have some well-meaning member of the bishopric remind us to go home and call or visit our mothers to tell them that we love them. They never gave me the phone number to the spirit world though so I was left with no mom to call or visit. I know, life's not fair.
Now it's just another Sabbath day spent with my children and visiting my wonderful mother-in-laws. I've learned, through experience that if my expectation is that of wanting my children to give something extra in the way of being kind to one another or worshipping the ground I walk on (j/k about that last part), that I will be disappointed and know that I'm a failure as a mother. Therefore, I just treat Mother's day as any other Sabbath day and then I'm not disappointed and the plus side is that I know I'm a good mom. With that in mind, I don't mind every other mom out there celebrating Mother's Day so I hope you had a good one.
1 month ago
Oh come on now Heidi don't be so modest. We KNOW our children worship us!! :-) How could they not?
If anything, just let your kids enjoy giving you praise on that day. And just let them know that the awesome qualities you have you got from your mom. Love reading your blog and thanks for the comments.
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