Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Madam Tussaud’s Wax Museum

We went out on a rainy morning to visit Madam Tussaud's wax museum.  This is Madam Tussaud.
I don't believe I could do a wax mold of myself.  I wouldn't like to breathe through straws up my nose while my face was covered in whatever it is that is used to make the mold.  We did see some memorable "people."
Who doesn't love Louie Armstrong?  What a wonderful world!
The reason we chose Vegas to celebrate our anniversary is because I wanted to see Donny Osmond in concert.  We didn't get to do that as he was on hiatus and we came a week too soon.  But I got to see he and Marie in wax!  

What's a visit to Vegas without seeing Wayne Newton?
The Great Bambino!  Babe Ruth.
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
I'm not sure I love this Elvis.  He seems too waxy.  I feel the same way about Marie.
Blue Man Group was another show I wanted to see but couldn't talk my husband into.  I guess this will have to do until I can talk him into it.
Evil Knevel and his bike.  I'll take the guy on the bike!
George Clooney welcomed us into the wedding chapel since Elvis is dead.
The Rat Pack!
We were able to visit the 4D theatre with a show featuring the marvel super heroes.  
Hulk sure looks menacing and I'm glad he's not mad at me!

Here's how we were welcomed into the theatre area of the museum.  It was a fun movie since we got poked in the back and felt water when appropriate and some weird kind of things on my legs.  It was a good time.  I enjoyed it and thought the Gourley kids would really like this a lot!

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