Monday, November 25, 2019

A Mission Thanksgiving Meal

Tonight we had our mission Thanksgiving meal with the temple missionaries.  There was so much food!  And it was delicious!  We sat with the Christensens whom we attend church with in Hannibal.  They are temple missionaries.  After the meal, we had some entertainment.  
Elder Mecham was the narrator.  We have some very talents musicians.  
Sister Lusvardi sang Come Ye Children of the Lord with Elder Munoa on guitar and Sister Flanders on the violin.  Beautiful!
Elder Meyocks sang something I've never heard of but he is very country sounding with a deep voice.  He reminded me of Johnny Cash.  Sister Mensel on the violin.
Sister Wadley sang as well.  She has a lovely voice.
This is a shot of a lot of us.  There was another table to my right as well as the 30 people sitting at our table.  Very few open chairs.  What a wonderful evening!
The Julanders sang "Count Your Blessings" from White Christmas. I love that song!  It makes me remember the wonderful blessings I have been given from my  Heavenly Father!

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