Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

 Anyone who has spent any amount of time with me knows that I'm not a huge fan of made up holidays such as Valentine's Day, Grandparent's Day, Mother's and Father's Days.  That being said, since having a daughter and now a son on a mission, Mother's Day is pretty special.  I get to talk to my missionary!!!!  Totally worth the made up holiday.  Here's a screen shot that Erin took of us on FaceTime with Andrew.
He is doing so great.  I cannot express my gratitude for his desire to be a missionary and for sacrificing his time to do this worthy thing.  He's learned so much and will continue to learn as he has another 14 months to go.
 All my grandchildren were here over the weekend and so it seemed like a good time to take a new grandchild photo.  Sammi and Clare did their best to get them to sit nice and look at the camera.  Believe it or not, this was the very first picture.  The rest are not nearly so good.  Love these little people!
 Sammi took this picture of us while we talked to Andrew.  I love this photo more than I can express.  Thanks Sammi!  I looked at a bunch of "incredible missionary" photos today and I think this one fits with those that I looked at.
 My children surprised me by getting me this necklace.  I love it!  Thanks girls for picking it out!
Once again, look at that smile.  He's radiating!  I received an email on Tuesday in which he said, "I am so glad I chose to come on a mission it has opened my eyes to things I never thought of before. I understand the bigger picture in life and I now feel like I have more purpose and direction. I wouldn't trade the experiences I've had and the things that I've learned for anything."  
What more could I as a mother want than to be able to talk to all of my children in one day when they are spread across the country?  I look forward to the day when we will all be together in one place.  That's just going to have to wait for a bit longer though.  At least 14 more months.

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