Saturday, April 5, 2014

Stake Prom

 Our stake had been doing a "stake prom" for about four years.  Its a way for our youth to enjoy having a prom without inappropriate music and dress and dancing.  The first two years it was done with a very fancy meal that I believe made them feel a bit awkward.  Since switching the menu to pizza, it is much more relaxed.  Here are a few pics of our beautiful Gresham youth.
Tatelyn and Andrew
 My nephew Tim and ?
 Tana and Andrew
 Tyli and Drew
 Tim and Andrew, cousins and best buds
 Our Gresham crew with Austin hiding in the back.  Tyli and Emma had left by this time.  Natalie Oborn joined in for the pic.
 Kenz and Taylor
 Taylor, Alyssa and Kenz
 LOVE this picture of Tate. Her gown was so "Cinderella."
 Alyssa and Sydney
 Tate and Andrew again
I believe I see a Travola move in my son.

1 comment:

Sammi said...

Mom, we did a stake prom when I was a junior. It just wasn't fancy.