Saturday, May 25, 2013

Beauties in My Yard

 Every Spring there are beauties all around my yard and next door.  This tree is some kind of flowering crab and I think it is absolutely beautiful.
 A close up of the blossoms.
The flowers cover the trunk of the tree as well as each of the branches.  It is quite incredible.
 These pictures don't do it justice.
 I have a raised bed in front of my bedroom window.  I have creeping phlox growing in the bed and I love when they bloom.  The green plant with yellow flowers comes up every year.  I have no idea what it is, but it likes to try and take over.
 My very favorite wild flower ever are Trilliums.  I transplanted these from the woods to my yard many years ago.  When we sold that house, they came with me to our new home. 
 They are just such a happy looking flower. 
 Then there is my MacIntosh apple tree.  As I looked at the tree today, I thought it looked like some kind of monster with it's arms reaching out.  The photo doesn't quite catch it.
 Here is the side of the same tree.  Incredible that it is still alive.
 I gave a talk about this tree.  I told how it is old and hollow and seemingly good for nothing.  Yet, it produces very delicious fruit.  It also leans into the wind.  If the hollow part were facing the wind, it would have been down years ago.  Thus, it overcomes adversity.
This tree has faced adversity and yet it survives and seems to thrive.  So, its okay to be old and hollow, because we can still be worthwhile and produce good works.  We too must face adversity and overcome.
That's all the photos I took this evening.  I'll have more and different beauties in the summer.  I am so thankful for the amazing creations that God has given us.

1 comment:

Megan said...

These are beautiful. We just moved into a new home with absolutely no green in the yard, front or back. So I get to think about what I want in my yard. Your beauties are beautiful.