Monday, July 23, 2012


When I was a kid, I had some cousins that lived far enough away that it was a treat to see them.  Well, my son has two cousins that don't live very far away and yet they don't see one another nearly enough.  Last week, Andrew and Tim got to spend a couple of days together.  On Sunday we had a family function (which I totally forgot to get my camera out) and a teenage bonfire.
Tim spent the night on Friday night.
On Saturday morning, Andrew finally got the training tool he's been after.  His dad built this contraption to help Andrew build his leg muscles.
 Tim got his turn after Andrew had the inaugeral turn.  Both boys said it was tough to pull that tire.
 When Pat was here the Sunday before, these two were upstairs and this is what they came down wearing. 
 I think each one is goofy on his own, but together they're even sillier.  They put these costumes on and went out on the tandem bike for a ride.  Tiff said she couldn't help but laugh as they rode past their home.
I'm so thankful for these two young men.  They're great guys with high standards and each has a desire to serve.  One idea.  It would be nice to leave these articles of clothing at home when you're out being of service.  Yes, even you Batman.

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