Sunday, September 22, 2024

Back to School Carnival

I had this idea to have a "back-to-school" carnival in the yard for my family.  
We began with roasting hot dogs and brats over the fire.  Lots of sides and desserts to go with them. 
Then the games.  I created some games and used some things I already had to make others. 
Prizes were available in the prize box.
There were some silly toys like the shooting ice cream cones and yo-yos that were big hits.  
There were also school supplies.
The kids had a great time and so did the adults.  
Next time I will be a bit more organized.  I think I'll utilize my adults to "run" a game so there can be multiple things going on at the same time. 
I have some pretty cute grandchildren.  Some have BIG personalities!
I think Eddie really like the shooting chicken game as he asked if he could take it home. 
I think as much as Tom avoids the children, he had a good time too.  
I love the concentration of the children as they attempt to shoot down the cups with the chicken.
There was definitely a learning curve.

Treats were gathered both by "pass the parcel" and by choosing them from the prize box. 
Digging for buried treasure yielded it's own prizes. 
Sammi was the brave one to put the goal post on her head for ring toss. 
I think I'll have a "out of school" carnival as well.
It was so much fun!

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