Wednesday, January 1, 2025


When we left our mission in Nauvoo, we came home with a lot of treasures.  One of them was an exterior door that came off of the Orson Hyde home.  What do you do with an exterior door?  We decided to use it for our new upstairs bathroom.  We would have to use it as a barn door style as there is no frame.  I thought about having a window in a bathroom door and how do I make it so whomever is in the room has privacy?  A curtain!  Nope.  That won't work because it would have to be on the inside and it will slide so it just isn't feasible.  
Cierra!  She is so talented and creative and able to paint.  I asked her if she could paint it for us.  She agreed to do the job over the summer when she had some time.  But what should she paint on it?  Nauvoo flowers!  I sent her a bunch of photos of the spring flowers in Nauvoo and she just came up with this piece of art.  
She needed to paint both sides because if only one side was painted there would be "holes" where someone cold see through.  I stripped the exterior of the door but there was too many blemishes to try to restore it so I painted it the same color as the accent wall in the bathroom.  The fancy pieces were taken off and replaced with new as they would've been a nightmare to try to fix.  
My husband asked that one side be faux grained.  It had been a few years since I did that so there was a bit of a learning curve.  When I look at it I see where I could have done better but then I realize that no one else sees those flaws.  I absolutely LOVE it!  


When we were in Florida I collected more seashells.  One evening as we were gathered, I gave a mini lesson about shells.  
Each shell is different.  They are different shapes, sizes and colors yet each one is beautiful in it's own right.  That's just like each one of us.  We are different because of how we look and the talents we have been given.  
I got out the paint and glue and let them decorate their own shells.  I think they all had a good time doing it and I have some very talented grandchildren.  

Basketball Season

Basketball season is upon us.  I love watching Cami compete!  The basketball team has a total of nine girls so Cami gets quite a bit a playing time. 
I've watched her improve and be more confident in shooting both from the free throw line as well as just putting up shots. 
Some games they play really well and others are not so great.  The not so great games come when they run into a team that is really good and presses them for most of the game.  It has to be hard to get anything accomplished when there is someone in your face.
I think she could teach the other girls on her team how to "box out."
I don't know how their team will do.  Probably nothing in the post season play but they have a weak conference so who knows.  So far they've survived each of their conference games. 
Once again, this is her last season and I won't really have a reason to go to any games next year.  At least not until some of the other grandchildren get involved.  I'll enjoy this while it lasts. 

Being a Grandparent

I occasionally buy some books for the grandchildren to enjoy.  I found a couple that I thought they would really have fun with. 
One Sunday evening, I asked Lydia and Eddie if they wanted to hear some silly stories.  They eagerly sat down next to me and I ready a few silly books. 
Andrew wanted an outside outlet so they could plug in Christmas decorations.  We went over one day in November after I picked up Eddie from school.  Eddie was more than excited to get his tool box out and help.
He was so cute!
Evelyn had her first band concert and we were able to attend.  I'm glad we did as we were not able to go to her choir concert nor the twins Christmas concert.  She's growing up so fast.  She sings like an angel and is planning to sing a piece at solo and ensemble festival.
A throwback from when Cami wanted to be at our house overnight on a Saturday night and come to church with me the next day.  
Being a grandparent is so fun and rewarding.  Too bad we have to be "older" to have it happen and enjoy it so much.

Temple Day with the Darnells

Prior to the St. Paul temple re-opening, we attended the Chicago temple a couple of times.  We planned to meet Randy Darnell and sons there.  It was so good to see them!
We stopped to eat at Chik-fil-A on the way home and spent an hour just visiting and catching up.  
How I love these men!  It was good to see the two older guys together again even just for a little while.  They are indeed brothers!

Florida in the Fall

An evening back to the temple prior to it's reopening so we could have some training.  Being away for almost six months made the presidency a little nervous that we didn't remember.  It was good to see the improvements and see it prior to working there.  
We headed out the next morning for Florida.  A beautiful sunrise from the plane!
Pat absolutely LOVES being in the water.  On this day the current was taking him on his float and he wanted to remain nearby.  So he went and found an anchor and anchored himself to the shore!
The anchor came off of this boat.  I think the recent hurricane landed it here on the shore.  It reminded me of the Minnow from Gilligan's Island.  There didn't seem to be any damage.  As I looked around the area, I found mounds of sand that didn't used to be there.  The hurricane really changed the shoreline. 
These sea birds didn't seem to mind me walking along the shoreline.
Dennis and Phyllis Allsop built a new home near Naples and the first morning we were there I saw this gorgeous sunrise as I spent time pre-dawn walking around the pool deck.  One morning as I went out to walk in the dark I heard a low growl and decided that I would wait until it was light to go out.  When I googled alligator sounds it was exactly the sound I heard.  I didn't want to trust a little screen between me and an alligator to keep me safe. 
While out boating we ran across this rather large jellyfish.  I had never seen this type before.  There was one on the sand that was dead but this one was floating in the water near our boat. 
It is always fun to sit at the back of the boat and watch these two as we speed along or putt-putt through the no wake zone.  
I always enjoy our time with the Allsops.  What a blessing to have them as friends and that they like us enough to invite us to their home near the gulf!

Congratulations Andrew!

Andrew had an exciting day.  He was bow hunting and got his first buck with the bow.  I helped him hold the legs while he gutted it.  I giggled as he punctured the stomach as the smell is pretty ripe!  He does this whole gagging thing. 
It was heavy so I helped him lift it into the truck.  He spent hours cutting it up and his dad helped him as well.  
Later that evening, he called with the exciting news that he passed his national board exam and is now officially an assistant physical therapist!  What a day!  I think the only days better than that were getting married and Eddie being born.  So proud of him!