When we left our mission in Nauvoo, we came home with a lot of treasures. One of them was an exterior door that came off of the Orson Hyde home. What do you do with an exterior door? We decided to use it for our new upstairs bathroom. We would have to use it as a barn door style as there is no frame. I thought about having a window in a bathroom door and how do I make it so whomever is in the room has privacy? A curtain! Nope. That won't work because it would have to be on the inside and it will slide so it just isn't feasible.
Cierra! She is so talented and creative and able to paint. I asked her if she could paint it for us. She agreed to do the job over the summer when she had some time. But what should she paint on it? Nauvoo flowers! I sent her a bunch of photos of the spring flowers in Nauvoo and she just came up with this piece of art.
She needed to paint both sides because if only one side was painted there would be "holes" where someone cold see through. I stripped the exterior of the door but there was too many blemishes to try to restore it so I painted it the same color as the accent wall in the bathroom. The fancy pieces were taken off and replaced with new as they would've been a nightmare to try to fix.
My husband asked that one side be faux grained. It had been a few years since I did that so there was a bit of a learning curve. When I look at it I see where I could have done better but then I realize that no one else sees those flaws. I absolutely LOVE it!