Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Nauvoo Security 2024

This is the third year we have gone back to Nauvoo to work as part of the security team for the pageants.  What was extra special this year was having John and Eloise Carlson there with us.  
We ran into Darryl (the plumber) one of our first days there.  We spent some time catching up and met Elder Astill who is living in our former apartment #9 at Village Inn.
As always, Pat had a co-pilot for a few nights in William.  Our final night he presented him with an Iron Man shirt with his name on it.  I never saw anyone get a hug so fast in my entire life!  It was sweet.
Most nights my assignment was backstage and on the first night the sun was shining on the temple so brightly as it was setting.  Many people came up to snap a photo.  A picture just doesn't capture what I really saw in person.
The water was really high on the Mississippi river so we didn't see any barge traffic until just before we left.  This beautiful shot was from behind Joseph and Emma's home.  I think our fence makes it even more beautiful  I painted that fence and Pat assembled it!
There are way too many deer in the city.  These twins were hanging out by an empty home.
We ran into Craig and Tori Sanders who we know from the City of Joseph pageant.  They are now serving as site missionaries!  It was so fun catching up with them.
Being on the south side of backstage paid off for me as the Lusvardis found me there.  I love them so much.  They were our mission president/companion when we arrived in Nauvoo for our mission.
Working the 2am-6am shift was full of adventure for these raccoons.  We saw them everywhere.  They tipped a lot of empty trash cans.  Fortunately they were empty.  One night just before we left, a raccoon found its way onto the stage during the performance.  Wish I could have seen that!

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