Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Andrew’s Graduation

Andrew finally chose a profession about 2 1/2 years ago.  He went to school to become a Physical Therapy Assistant.  He studied so hard and spent many hours at school.  On May 15th we were able to attend his graduation from NWTC in Green Bay.
There were about 700 graduates in attendance so we had to stay and listen to each one of their names being read.  It took about an hour.
To say that I'm proud of his accomplishments is an understatement.  
I knew that when he finally had something he wanted to work for, he would go out and get it done.  
There were challenges along the way.  He needed to get and 80% average each semester in each class.  He always did really well in his physical exams.  Written exams are a lot harder for him.  He doesn't test well.  In December, we all prayed that he would pass his classes because if he didn't he would have to retake the class.  Not a problem?  He would have to wait a full year to take it again.
Mid-December was the exam date and he did not get the 80% he needed.  He was crushed.  I know there were a lot of tears shed.  We had prayed and he had studied and he got a blessing.  How could this have happened?  
He was asked to meet with his two professors.  I think they recognized that he knows his stuff but doesn't test well.  They decided to let him continue in the program.  Prayer do get answered and miracles still happen.
Five weeks of clinicals in Wittenberg and another six weeks in Manitowoc.  Finally graduation day is here!
He did it!  Now to continue studying for his national board exam.
A family fast for him this Sunday with faith and prayers to boot.  He takes the exam in early July prior to the next fast Sunday.  How we love that he wants to take care of his family!

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