My husband and I have made the goal to attend the temple at least once per month. For the past 3 years we've achieved this goal. As we looked at our calendar I decided which day we could go as there are so many busy days. As it happens, that's the stake standard's event that we need to go to with Andrew. Besides that, Pat is supposed to speak at that event. There goes that day. Well, the Lord provides. Monday was a holiday and Pat was supposed to take the day off, but needed to do some repairs in Escanaba. Randy told him he needed to take a day off during the pay period which ends on Friday. So, we looked at our schedules and planned to go on Wednesday following seminary. It worked out great as the temple opens early on Wednedays and Thursdays. It was a wonderful day in which I felt the Lord's spirit. The blessings and promises are so grand that I have no doubt that I'm of divine heritage.
On our way home I dropped Pat off in Wausau for his presidency meeting and drove home by myself. I popped in a MoTab CD and began to sing along. I had a marvelous witness of how much I am loved by my Father in Heaven and by our Savior. The words to Called to Serve made me think about my daughter who as been "called to her our king!" I'd never paid much attention to the words to Redeemer of Israel before. Look hard at them next time and see what a wonderful message it is. Then I ended my sing-a-long with I Know that My Redeemer Lives. Yes, I understand that He lives. But why? Look at the words and see all the reasons why our Savior lives. He lives to help each one of us each day get through our daily lives no matter what comes along. My heart was full and my eyes were wet as I felt that wonderful Spirit. Tender mercies once again.
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