Look at the quilt and see if you can find the fabric squares within the pictures.

Here's Pat, Sammi, Erin and Stef picking apples in the 2nd year during the "How do you build a city" scene.

Each year we were chosen to be in the "flag scene." It's really the Spirit of God scene, but since there are countries represented with flags, we call it the flag scene. Our first year we were in costumes from Germany. You won't find these fabric samples in my quilt. You can't tell but our men had to wear knickers.

This photo is from the "picnic scene" which ends in a fireworks display. I'm not sure how we were chosen to be down front. This was the 2nd year because I took the picture from the front row. With my broken foot, I wasn't in the cast.

Another photo from "How do you build a city." I believe this was the 3rd year because we had Zack, Nichola and Lys with us. It took 10 of us to carve out a moonstone. It took some imagination to make everyone look like they were doing something.

Our family in our costumes while we were still at home.

This is Sammi, Erin and Stef during the show. It must have been the 2nd year when I was out with a broken foot.

Here is Tom in his missionary scene. He loved this scene almost as much as he loved the fireworks!

This was from "How do you build a city." Our family was in charge of "painting the fence" among other things.

Here's our little 4 year old Andrew. Notice how sweaty his little head is. It really was hot out there in the sun during the day. It didn't always get a whole lot cooler at night. Or perhaps I should say that the humidity didn't lessen just because the sun went down.
I am ever grateful for the opporunity that our family had to participate in the City of Joseph pageant. It was wonderful for the five years we were able to do it. We made lasting friendships with people from all over the country. Our testimonies were strengthened as well. I credit this experience, in part, for the strength of my children's testimonies. We cried when the show was cancelled but rejoiced in the time we had to participate. There will never be another family vacation where we worked so hard and were so exhausted by day's end. It was a service of love!
What a beautiful, thoughtful gift! I had no idea the productions were so big. They look like the set of a major film.
You have raised such wonderful kids!
Were you in a pageant there? How many years did you do it? What a wonderful way to use the old costumes.
We were in the pageant from 2000 through 2004 when it was cancelled. Clare actually used the left over fabric to make the quilt and not the actual costumes. They come in handy here and there as someone is doing some activity about pioneers. It was a huge production with typically about 400 cast members. At times there were more and sometimes less. It was a huge production that was put together in about 3 days. From there is was just perfecting what we'd learned. I miss it! We've thought about doing the new pageant, but just can't seem to do it. It is a wonderful production.
I love that Clare did that for you. I also love meaningful sentimental gift like that. And I love your reminiscing about your days in the pageant---the summer I served in Gresham you were going and it was so neat to hear about it and watch your Videos of it afterwards. What an amazing experience to have as a family.
Yay! I'm the favorite daughter!
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