On Saturday afternoon Clare came over with the kids for the weekend. She's working on a queen-sized lightweight "quilt." I asked who she was making it for and she answered it was for herself to brighten up their bedroom. Nice! Their bedroom could use it. She worked on it and started tying the thing but didn't finish on Saturday night. I even saw my sweetie helping her finish the tying on Sunday night. I almost fell over.
The Gourleys stayed Sunday night as well. Monday morning Clare is up early with B and comes downstairs as I'm getting up. She hands this BIG gift bag to my husband who hands it to me. It's that beautiful YELLOW quilt that Clare had been making right under my nose. I raised a liar! Or maybe not, just a little fib to throw mom off the track.
Below you will find the finished product with both the Nauvoo blanket on and off.

I have a really talented daughter. Thank you Clare!

You do have a talented daughter and a thoughtful husband too. It looks great!
Woo hoo - just call me Martha!
Hey Heidi,
I see you have mastered the art of manipulation!!! :o You got Clare right where you want her! :-) What is the next idea will you put into her head that she doesn't know you put there? Just kidding of course but she sure has pulled through for you this last little while. What a wonderful daughter! The two quilts together looks best.
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