Monday, July 29, 2019

Red Cast

There are three casts for Sunset By the Mississippi.  We are in the red cast.  When we arrived on June 10th we were given that assignment.  Since the practices were long over we needed to learn the dances on our own.  Each night for at least a week we went to the shows.  We met some of the people in our cast and they wanted to know how soon we would be dancing with them.  

We got the words/actions from Sister Whiting.  It helped a little.  We decided to video record the dances we were in so we could practice them at home.  And practice we did.  I got some help from Sister Prettyman and that helped a ton!

Last Friday was the last time for the Jensens to dance before they went home and there is no way to get the entire cast together for a photo during the show.
Therefore we got a photo of the Elders and Sisters.  Elder Monaco made the comment, "Look at all those big bellies!" after seeing the picture.  The sisters didn't have that problem.  I just put my phone above the feet and hoped for the best.  I got a good one!  I believe we're missing a few sisters and brethren in each photo.
Since we are Facilities Management missionaries, we don't associate with the site missionaries very much.  This production gives us the chance to get to know some of them.  I love these people!  We are, I'm sure, the youngest of the senior missionaries.  One of my best friends here is 71!  I love her so much.  Most everyone is in their 60's and 70's.  Age just doesn't make a difference when it comes to friendships.  I knew that before we came here and it has been reinforced once again.

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