This week in mission training we had Elder Don R. Clarke, emeritus member of the Seventy speak to us.
He was amazing! I wish we had more time in training. We meet at 8am and the sites are opened at 9am so we have to be finished. He gave us the 7 principles of conversion. In other words, he told us that if we follow these seven things, we will never fall away from Christ's church.
1. Knowledge - Find Christ in the Book of Mormon and do the Come Follow Me
2. Faith - Act and apply. Nothing changes until we act.
3. Testimony - we have to gain one.
4. Repentance - Do it daily. In order to change habits write down the things you want to change in a place you will see it. Sisters, on the mirror. Elders, on your plate!
5. Sabbath Day - Observe it! Partake of the sacrament. Observance of the sabbath day is the greatest difference between those who make it and those who don't. The sacrament is a time to pray to receive forgiveness; to come close to Christ.
6. Holy Ghost - Good revelation comes when we learn how to listen to the Spirit and act.
7. Obedience - Do these things daily and you will stick!
He closed with D&C 100:1-3. As a missionary if I care about those around me; God will take care of my family better than I can. I want my family cared for in our absence. Who else could care for them better than me? Only God.
The mission training given by President Lusvardi or some other visiting authority are the highlight of my week. I so look forward to being fed spiritually.
2 weeks ago
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