People often "pity" me because of my husband's calling as stake president. They feel that I'm a martyr because of my husband's schedule and being out on stake business. On the contrary, I feel blessed because of his service. There is nothing I would rather have him do than serve the Lord.
With that said, there are a few perks. On Saturday morning President and Sister Jones of the Wisconsin Milwaukee mission arrived at our home with Elder Robbins for breakfast. Was I nervous? Not at all. I have discovered that these people who hold positions of authority are just like you and I in that they're human. We had a wonderful time visiting over breakfast.
Saturday night was filled with insights as I listened to Elder Robbins compare the parable of the ten virgins to the temple. I was so glad I had my scriptures along and could write notes within the pages. Speaking of "glad," my husband instructed us to play the glad game in our daily lives by looking for the good in the world and our circumstances instead of the bad.
Sunday morning conference was beautiful. My husband spent many, many hours memorizing the account of the first vision in Joseph Smith History. He felt there was someone who needed to hear it. Perhaps more than one someone. He finished by bearing witness that it did indeed happen and is true. Elder Robbins spoke to us about love. Christ-like love and the love that we have for one another. He also spoke about the love that parents should have for their children and how we need to teach our children proper expressions of love. He also talked about "falling" in and out of love. What a myth that is. As if we can merely just stumble along and find ourselves in love. It takes commitment and continued nurturing. He challenged and invited the brethren to go home and express their love by saying "I love you" to their wives. I am indeed blessed as those were the first words I heard upon waking on Sunday morning.
The Gresham and Wausau combined choirs sang during Sunday's session of conference. It was most heavenly. Jasmine lended her talents with her violin to make I Need Thee Every Hour more beautiful and Amy Lyn leant us her voice to bring power to Abide With Me, 'Tis Eventide. Thank you to both of those talented ladies. I am indeed thankful to be able to be a part of the choir. I know I'm not that great of a director, but I know what sounds good and find joy in making it happen.
After conference we shared our noon meal with Elder Robbins before taking him to the airport. Those times when we could listen to him talk about his personal life were inspiring. One more perk of being the supportive wife.
I am so blessed to have had the opportunity to be fed at the feet of the Lord's servants.
Heidi, I'm glad you got to have this great experience and contribute to it yourself with the Choir---I'm sure it was all amazing!!
I forgot to mention how much I enjoyed Your husband's talk on Sunday. That is amazing that he could memorize so well. I "heard" much more than when I read it! He said it all with so much passion......I knew he really believed what he said.
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