I didn't always like General Conference, but I grown to love it. I love it in the conference center and I love it at home on our TV. I love what the brethren have to say.
I found it very interesting that during both Saturday sessions there were identical talks given about sustaining/following the prophet. I really loved those talks. Then on Sunday morning we heard President Packer speak about God's moral laws and how we cannot vote to change them. I loved his words. I sustain his words as spoken by a mouthpiece of the Lord.
This morning Clare was telling me about a friend of hers who has a friend who posted on Facebook how they just couldn't agree with President Packer's words. This individual should just come right out and say, "I don't sustain the prophet" because that's exactly what he or she is doing. Somehow when the prophet speaks the discussion is over.
I had an incredible experience prior to the first session of conference. As the First Presidency was walking in they shook hands with each member of the quorum of the 12 apostles. The love they have for one another is visible. As I watched this brief exchange, I too felt of the love they have for me and each of us. These thoughts and feelings were further confirmed as I listened to Elder Holland.
The trip was much too quick and the people I would've liked to have seen, didn't get all get visited as we left on Monday morning before 8am. I'll share more soon. Until then, what are your thoughts on this recent conference?
Elder Holland's talk hit me like a ton of bricks...I just thought it was so amazing. He touched on every possible situation all in his talk...you can feel the love he has for each of us.
It was everything I needed. I always take notes because I have the memory of a goldfish. :)
Brother Jensen quoted Ammon(?) and it sums up how I feel about conference:
"I cannot say the smallest part which I feel".
There were so many things I needed to hear and I felt that each was delivered with the love of our Heavenly Father.
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