On Sunday after Sammi's last talk in church, we left for Milwaukee to spend the night with President and Sister Barrett. Sammi adores President Barrett as he was a witness that she should serve a mission. We had a great time with them. It's interesting that we've become such great friends. I never thought that those were the type of circles I would be in.

We stopped and visited with Scott and Kris Cunningham on Tuesday afternoon. This is the view from their driveway. I have to admit I'm a little bit envious that I don't have a view like this. We stayed long enough into the early evening that I was able to watch the temple (Jordan River) be lit.

The Bohls have been absolutely wonderful to us in allowing us to stay with them. Here they are with Sammi before we left them on Wednesday morning. As you can see, Ben was a tad bit tired.

Traveling with the stake president does have it's perks. Sammi wasn't set apart as a missionary until Wednesday morning. Thanks Brooklyn for letting us not only sleep in your bed, but use your room to set apart Sammi as a missionary. Sharla was kind enough to take this photo for us.

Taking your missionary to the MTC is a new experience compared to what it used to be. You drive in and you're given a curb-side parking spot. There are a couple of Elders in each spot to help the newcomer with their luggage. We unloaded, gave hugs and bid farewell. I suppose it could be very emotional, be we left our emotions in Brooklyn's room in the morning before we left. Sammi is a very outgoing, confident woman who will adjust easily and make friends quickly.
I have to say that as I sat on the plane from SLC to Denver I spent some time writing in my journal. In part I have to tell you that my joy is full and brimming over. I have rarely felt such feelings. The joy and happiness that comes through the Holy Ghost cannot be equalled. I feel such a sense of calm that I've never felt before as I've left my children in a faraway place. Life is good!
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