Yesterday was Sammi's 21st birthday. She is my middle child and also my middle girl. I can relate to that middle child thing. She loves taking pictures. Most of time, she has a camera very near by and will be found taken random pictures as evidenced by the above photo.

Dancing is another of her loves. Anytime there is music, there is either singing or dancing. I swear she knows the lyrics to any song out there. Her body was made to dance as she does it a lot. I can see her now, going through withdrawals while serving her mission as she won't have dance music to listen to. But I bet she'll dance anyway.

Can you believe that this little girl was shy? I really can't either. She was though. She was always a very tender-hearted child. She still is. What you see with Sammi is exactly what you get. Her heart and emotions are worn on her sleeve. There is no barrier that needs to be broken down to get to know her. She's the genuine thing. The real deal. My Samantha Sue is a true and devoted friend. She loves her friends (many of which include her cousins) with all of her being. Her friends do include her sisters. Whenever there are sisters together, there is craziness if Sammi is there. She's totally random in her words and that makes me laugh.

This little doll was the best infant ever. After the nightmare I had with Tom, I told everyone that God wouldn't do that to me two times in a row.... and he didn't. She was such a good baby! She had the gift to heal hearts that were broken. At one point in her first month of life, she healed a broken heart by just sleeping in a friend's arms.

Sammi loves being aunt Mimi. As much as she teases Cami you would think that Cami wouldn't like her very much, but she always goes back for more. I think being away from Cami and B will be the hardest part of her mission.

I chose this final photo because the plaque shows that they are standing at the entrance to the Sacred Grove. This is the reason that she will be leaving us for 18 months to serve as a missionary. As I ponder the 13 days left before she is a full-time missionary, I recognize several things. First, our house will be much quieter and cleaner, but also more boring. Second, I expect that the blessings of having a child serving a mission will be more abundant in our lives. Third, I know her example to her siblings is outstanding and will leave a lasting impression. Lastly, I know she has a tremendous testimony of the truthfulness of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and the fact that Joseph Smith was the prophet of the restoration.
Yes, I have been blessed to have this child as my daughter. I don't believe Heavenly Father makes mistakes when he sends specific spirits to our homes. They come for a reason. I cannot express the pain of a mother's heart as I've seen her struggle and see her hurt. Then the joy comes to my heart as I watch her make the correct decisions in her life. I've seen her put her trust in the Lord and have her prayers answered in ways that I didn't expect. Yes, I am blessed!