Monday, April 22, 2024


 A few months ago when the First Presidency announced that Easter would be Sacrament meeting only and that and Christmas would always be that way going forward, I thought about how we do a Christmas program and why can't we do an Easter program as well?  After all, there is a lot more scripture on the life of Jesus and His atonement, crucifixion and resurrection.  I spoke to Bishop Rickert and asked if I could do it and he agreed.

I spent some time in the four gospels and 3rd Nephi as well as Jesus the Christ and a recent talk by Elder Stevenson.  I had a thought back in February that I should have Amy and Luke Jensen sing, "Gethsemane" for Easter.  She agreed to do it.  With that in place I began to formulate a program.  I picked out more music and then tried to put the scripture I wanted to use in an order that would make sense.  Then I fit the music in.  I had to go back after I had it submitted it to the bishop and revise it just a bit.

Easter morning following the sacrament, Becky Hoffman began as the narrator.  She had the perfect inflection in her voice and paused at just the right places.  She was the perfect person to do the narration!  Amy and Luke's song was perfect.  I couldn't stop my tears.  Bishop Rickert sang a special number as well as the Primary and finally the seminary class.  The bishopric members each bore their testimonies and then we finished with He is Risen!  

The Spirit was so strong for me and I hoped others felt it as well.  Bishop asked me what I could possible do to top it next year.  What a great compliment.  Then as I was attempting to leave, Chad stopped me and asked if I had written the program.  I told him I had.  He expressed that he had never experienced an Easter celebration better than this one.  He always had one when he attended his previous church but not like this one.  I told him that I just followed the Spirit and it worked.  

I have some ideas for the future and I hope that those thoughts are what the Spirit confirms to me.  If not, then I'll just go forward with what it does confirm.  I hope all that were there, felt the Love of our Savior!

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