Sunday, June 4, 2023

Apple Trees

The apple trees haven't been pruned in a couple of years.  This year Pat cut down the Cortland because it was mostly dead and the Yellow Transparent because we didn't really like them.  The deer ate most of the apples off of those trees anyway.  

The Sweet Sixteen got a good haircut.
I discovered that a robin built her nest on top of the ladder that was left outside all winter.  There were three eggs in it.  After we hauled away the remnants of the Cortland, we found two baby birds on the ground.  I picked them up and put them in the nest.  The mom took care of them for a few days but ultimately, they were kicked out of the nest.  I don't think they were robins.
The babies hatched and just last Saturday I saw that they were out of the nest and the mom was doing her best to help the fledglings to fly.  All is well.  We all need to be kicked out eventually and learn to fly on our own.  


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