Tuesday, March 14, 2023

The Rat Pack

The third show we saw was a reenactment of the Rat Pack.  Although it was amusing, sometimes it was a bit racy.  I'm guessing Sinatra, Martin and Davis probably were like that.  
The music was really great though.  
My least favorite was the Frank Sinatra guy.  He could sing but I just wasn't into his character. 

The Dean Martin character was quite good. 
The premise was that they were celebrating Sinatra's birthday.  Dean Martin came out at Batman as he said it was a costume party.
Not to be outdone, Sammy Davis, Jr. was Robin!
A person can tell there was a bit of raunchiness in the show based on his costume.

He sang Candyman and it was fantastic. 
This was the one show where I was very happy to be sitting off to the side and not in the front center like every other show we attended.  They did a lot of interacting with the audience and there were plenty of people who didn't mind being the butt of their jokes.  That's not my jam!


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