On Wednesday morning we went on a snorkeling adventure. There were so many different kinds of fish and coral. I'm always amazed at the whole different life that lives beneath the water.

I didn't stay in the water very long. I think I was missing a part of my snorkel and I felt like I couldn't breathe.
I enjoyed sitting on the boat visiting with the other people. We stayed there for less than an hour and then headed to Stingray City. This space is where the fishermen always cleaned their fish by the sandbar and so the stingray started coming there. There is a natural reef further out so that also adds to the reason the stingray come here.
Our guide, Logan, would dive under the water and come up with a ray and tell us what it's name is. He let us come next to him and we put our chin down in the water.
If the stingray felt like it, it would come and slide itself down the side of your face. "Stingray kisses."

These are not the same kind that killed Steve Irwin. They do not have barbs like that one.
We were able to hold a piece of squid and feed them. The eat by suction. They really have some good suction!
It was fun to just stand in the water and have them swim by your legs.
I would never have guessed that they were so soft. Another adventure that I never expected to have. It isn't one that I ever knew a person could do. I'm glad we did it!
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