After Mount Vernon we headed over to the National Mall.
I always marvel at the size of the Washington Monument.
I love the look of it in the reflecting pool.
On this day there were some men there from Honor flights. Most of them were Vietnam war veterans but there were a few Korean and WWII vets. I can't imagine what they witnessed.
There are some changes being made to this memorial. All of the veterans who served in this war are having their names inscribed in alphabetical order by the branch of the military they served in. That means my uncle Ike's name will be there.
The Lincoln memorial isn't as impressive as the Washington memorial until you step inside.
Then it comes to life. Reading the inscribed walls and seeing the monstrous statue is aw inspiring.

We put on a lot of miles walking the mall. I didn't recall that the planes flew right over the top of Lincoln. They probably don't but is surely looks like they do.
We walked the Vietnam wall and it was interesting to see all the things that family members leave near their loved one's name. Flowers, pictures, letters, a baseball cap. I looked down at a photo near this man's name and saw that he was part of an athletic team from Shawano!
Even though I was a kid at the time this war was happening, this name brought it right into my back yard.
I looked a little closer and found another name that looks like it came off of the Menominee reservation.
How grateful I am for all of those who served in the many wars that our country has been involved in. I'm grateful for their service and sacrifice.
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