I've painted so many rooms in my home since we've been home from our mission. But the first thing I noticed upon arriving home was how poor my kitchen cabinets looked. I spent some time cleaning them with Murphy's Oil soap and they looked better but still not great.
We changed out the countertop and I love that look. I finally worked up the courage to take on this enormous task. I wanted to get it accomplished before it got too cold outside to do any work in the garage or yard.
I wasn't sure I wanted to do this china cabinet but after looking at the others when they were finished, \there was no question that this too needed to be done. Before I did anything I called my friend Jared and got step by step instructions on how I should do it so my finished product would last.
I removed the doors and hardware.
I removed the doors and hardware.

Once the uppers were done, I started on the lowers. It took a little longer just because there are more of them. But it went pretty flawlessly.
We didn't live with no doors for very long as I would prime/paint the doors and then come inside and do the cabinet fronts.
The lowers took a bit longer and Pat put new soft close drawer slides on each of the drawers.
I needed to take off the trim as well as that also needed painting and it is so much easier to paint it when it is off.
I had some tables set up in the garage where I could paint and keep the leaves and other flying debris off of my wet surfaces.
These are the upper doors waiting to go out and be sanded.,
Cleaning, sanding, priming with an oil based primer and then painting.
The inside of the doors only got one coat of paint but the outside got two coats.

After Pat put in the new window above the kitchen sink I told him I needed to paint before he installed the PVC trim. I did this little space first and decided that I truly loved it and I could actually do this.
Let me tell you, the hardware was the most expensive part of this whole project.
After I had the china cabinet done, I looked at the formica countertop and knew it had to change. Again I called Jared and asked him if he'd ever painted formica. He told me it was difficult but I assured him it was a space where it wasn't used heavily.
My first thought was to paint it black to match the other countertop but after putting some white on it, I decided it was great as it was. I actually love it!

I thought I was done but then how could I be done with the door frames, one window frame and the base boards all still wood?
Since painting them, I see the blue wall pops! The gray walls actually look gray. It was a labor of love and I enjoyed doing it. I told Pat he needs to have this done in his home to brighten up his kitchen. I would do it too.
Since having it done, Susie asked about her laundry room and I told her we could do it together. I think I've found my calling in life if ever I had to have an occupation. I love painting and I love the look when it is finished!
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