I removed the doors and hardware.

With all our plans in place, I remembered that Evelyn's birthday party was on that Saturday morning. We changed our times for temple attendance. It was wonderful being there! I've missed it! After our two temple endowment sessions we checked into our hotel and went out to dinner. Delicious and expensive! I forget when we're in Chicago how much more expensive restaurants are.
We arose early on Saturday morning and headed back to Clintonville for Evelyn's pool party. I lounged in the warm water and enjoyed a long visit with Vonnie Fillmore. Afterward we had brunch at the Fillmore home.
Monday was my actual birthday. I did some laundry and finished my painting in the kitchen before spending my afternoon with little Eddie. He's so sweet! I really enjoy spending time with him. He went down for his usual nap without a sound and slept for 2 1/2 hours.
All my children and their families came over for a pizza party. Butch gave me a birthday card. I love it! Sammi made Pat and I matching shirts. I love being with my family. It was a great day!
During a lesson while we were in the MTC I had the strongest feeling that we are holding Tom back by not allowing him to go through the temple. This guy is already guaranteed Celestial glory so why would he need these further covenants? We contacted our stake president and told him of our revelation. He reached out to our bishop but we never heard anything. When we got home we talked about it again with President Lonsdale. He said it would be good for us to reach out to bishop Hoffman.
About a month ago Chad asked to speak to me after sacrament meeting. Pat and I met with him and he extended the calling as Nursery leader. I won’t lie. Not a calling I ever aspired to. Not even a calling I ever wanted or dreamed I would have. Because of those reasons I started to laugh. Both my husband and Chad were a bit taken aback by my response. I told him I would do whatever the Lord needed me to do. I told him that I thought he was going to ask me to be the ward music chair. He said, “Since you brought it up…”. I told him I could do both callings.
Me, the nursery leader. That is good for a laugh. I know people who wish for that position. Not me. I’m more comfortable with youth and adults. I guess I’m about to learn something new. My first week was alright. I only had Ty Ejnik and my little Eli. Destinee’s twins will join us any day now but they aren’t regular. Ty and Eli will leave in January so it could be a very hit and miss calling. I may get to be with the adults now and again.