Sunday, August 22, 2021

Erin’s 30th Birthday Bash

Erin informed us months ago that she wanted a big birthday party with the family.  The kind of party that kids have.  She planned it and we helped execute that plan.
She wanted a bike and we got her the kind she wanted.  I wish mine was that nice.

It was a 90's party as she was born in 1991 and her childhood was mostly in that decade.
We had decorations and everyone dressed up in some kind of vintage 90's clothes.

We had a soda bar.  All the names came from something during that decade.

She wanted a bounce house so Sammi rented one.  It was a hit.  Especially after we moved it away from a ground beehive.

All the children were asked to display a talent.  Here's Lydia twirling.
Butch signed and sang, Jesus Said Love Everyone.
Cami showed off her strange thumb action.
Adam showed his flexibility.
Evelyn read a poem she wrote about Erin.

Eli did some kind of tongue rolling action while shooting us with his finger.
There was a pinata.  We had a few karaoke singers as well. 

All the grandchildren got a few whacks at it beginning with the youngest.

Eddie showed us his walking talent.

Henry did some skipping.
Butch got his motorcycle ride.
An outdoor movie or two ended the evening.

There were some great creations made with beads after all the games and festivities. She is a joy in our lives.  I cannot imagine our family without her quirkiness and her orderliness.  My heart breaks as I recognize she didn't get what she really wanted this summer, but she turned it into something special. Erin wrote the following:
 I definitely am 30.
🥳 I am still awkwardly flirting. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I am trying my best at thriving. 🌳 🦕
I had hope on getting married this summer so I planned out all the food and everything for a open house type deal. But plans changed. All my food ideas went into a birthday party dinner and party favors turned into trolls and pony bead pet keychains. 🦎
It might not have been initially what I had hoped for, but spending my birthday with some of my most favorite people on the planet, celebrating the best decade for country music and boy bands, and of course me 💁🏻‍♀️ was a joy. 😊

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