Saturday, December 5, 2020

Rand Park Christmas Light Show

On our way home from Fat Jimmy's Smokehouse last Saturday, we stopped by Rand park to see the lights.
We planned to go do this last December and then totally forgot.
It was incredible!
As I looked out my side of the window, I would hear Sister Bailie or my husband point out something on their side of the car.
Businesses and families sponsor the lights.
There were so many things I had never seen in lights before.  I saw elves playing volleyball, the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty!
There were several nativity scenes which I also really appreciated.
There was a line of cars waiting to drive through the park.  
I don't think I ever drove under a canopy of lights before.  
There was even a fire breathing dragon!  Not a great photo though.  We will have to go back again.  I can't wait to take Tom through this display!  He's going to love it!

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