Saturday, November 28, 2020

Thanksgiving Pie

Because we were not allowed to meet as a mission or as an FM group for Thanksgiving, we were given the choice of a homemade pie.  We chose the key lime.
As we came home, I heard the pie slide off of whatever it was sitting on.  When my sweetheart opened the door, this pie slid out the door and tipped upside down on the driveway.  Fortunately it had a lid.  Still, it didn't look so good.  It was a good pie but not exceptional.  
We did enjoy our Thanksgiving day as we had a delicious meal at noon.  We were able to take a pumpkin pie to a meal for the young sisters.  We topped it off with a private tour of the temple city district with many, many friends from back home in our stake as well as friends in Utah.  
We are truly grateful for all the blessings in our lives.  President Nelson invited us to give gratitude on social media for seven days.  I enjoyed doing it so much that I simply could not stop after day seven.

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