We've had a rash of accidents within the senior missionary core in the last several weeks. It began with Elder Flanders riding his bike on Mulholland. Not going very fast. A dog, on a leash, ran out in front of his bike and he ended up either hitting the dog or his brakes or both and flying head over heels and landing on the road on his back. He broke 7 ribs in his back, 4 in the front as well as fracturing his sternum. He spent a week in the hospital in Iowa City. It was mostly precautionary (in Iowa City) as they were concerned about one of the ribs puncturing a lung. Then again, he needed respiratory therapy as well as physical therapy. They also needed to manage his pain. Three weeks, (or is it four) later he is up and around and doing rather well. He went back for a check up today.
The day that we were rear-ended last Friday was a doozy. Not only did were we victims of an auto accident, but Sister Julander crashed on her bike. She was riding on Main street and turning onto Young street when her chain jumped off and locked up the bike. She was thrown off. She injured her leg in some manner. I haven't seen her so I don't know how she is doing.
That same day, we got word that Sister Simmons who just left had some sort of an episode that they thought was a stroke. It wasn't. She lost her memory for five hours!! Things were coming back to her and further tests were being taken and I have not heard what the diagnosis was.
Today, I saw Bryan run into the break room and fill a small cooler with ice and run out. I thought, "Someone has cut off an appendage in the carpentry shop." I was right. Elder Porter came running and announced that Elder Brown had just cut off a finger or two! Yikes! I know the saws in the carpentry shop are dangerous and everyone needs to be hyper vigilant while working there. It takes only a moment to get injured.
The list of people to pray for healing is growing. I hope soon I won't have to add more names to that list.
My thoughts go back to April and a meeting we had with Elder Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. He concluded his message with an Apostolic Blessing. He said, “In conclusion I leave my apostolic blessing with
you of protection for you as you serve and upon your families. Your families will be blessed more than if
you were with them. Miracles will happen. You will sense His joy in your service.”
Yes, there have been accidents but no one lost their life. There has been unbelievable health among the missionaries and for the most part, we have been protected as everything could have been so much worse!
2 weeks ago
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