Saturday, March 21, 2020

My Friend Mela

My sweet, bubbly friend Mela Whiting had a birthday this week.  She was planning her own surprise party but on Monday we surprised her with one instead.  There was cake and ice cream but mostly there was love and friendship and music!
There is a group of musical people in the mission that go out to local nursing homes and give mini concerts.  The premise of getting Sister Whiting there was that there were going to practice the music one last time before she left.  It worked!  There were more sisters than this that attended but by the time we took this photo, many had already left.
I got to know this woman this fall when we were asked to be in charge of the Christmas Walk.  I asked her if she would direct the the Nativity.  She asked if she could direct the choir instead.  I said she should do it and it was wonderful!!!!  She put together the script and chose the music.  It was an incredible choir.  I enjoyed being in it so much.  She and her Elder were scheduled to leave on April 1st but with the sites being closed there was no reason for them to stay longer.  I love her and will probably not see her again unless there is a reunion that we both attend.  She makes my heart happy and I love her immensely!

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