I remember being a young mother and thinking at different times, "I'd like to freeze my family right where they are." It was times when things weren't necessarily smoother, but my children were all at ages that I could enjoy. I love a newborn. For a short time. Then I want them to be older so they smile or coo but still snuggle. I love the age where the child is in discovery mode. I loved having children who were a bit older and could assist with the younger ones. I loved the age when we could talk about important things or just have fun together. I adored the teenage years. Most people dread them, but I loved them most of all. My teenagers were people who talked to me about choices and decisions. There were several times that I felt I just wanted to freeze them in time so they wouldn't grow up.
Now all my children are adults. I don't want to freeze them in time anymore. In fact, they've become more than just my children. They've become my friends and the people I want to spend time with. I do love my life at this point with being a mother and a Nana. I still am Mom to Tom, Erin and Andrew. They still want me around and ask my advice. Clare and Sammi are mothers to their own children but they still ask advice as well. I love being a missionary mom. Although, in just eight short months that will end. I love that we can talk about both temporal and spiritual things.
I'm Nana to my precious grandchildren. I'm loving the ages they are. Cami is old enough to talk to. She's growing up way too fast. Adam loves to tell me things and show me things that are of interest to him. Brock just loves to hang out with me and be my buddy. Evie, well, she's in a league of her own. She's so imaginative. I love that some days she is a "chick" and other days a "honey." Butchy is such a smiley little nugget. Each has their own distinctive personality and I love them all so, so much!
I love my life with my sweetheart. We can take time to go out on dates or plan a weekend away. I love serving at his side while he is the stake president. I don't go with him very often, but I love to be the silent support system for him. I've seen the growth but more important, I've seen the love that he has for people. I love that we are able to attend the temple each month together.
My years teaching seminary are so precious to me. I love the youth that I've been able to serve. I've found that I love the scriptures in ways that I never would have known if I hadn't had this sacred opportunity.
Do I really want to freeze my life in time anymore? Nope. I look forward to whatever the good Lord has in store for me. I look forward to opportunities that may come my/our way. Life is grand and I love it!
2 weeks ago
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