My children sometimes give me some grief because the photos I have displayed of them on my living room wall may not be the most recent. Sammi gave Erin grief that she wouldn't get a new one until she gets married. So not true. But she had a point. Erin's photo was from when she was 16 years old and now she is 23.

So, because her friend Sara wanted to work on her photography skills, she asked Erin to be the model. She snapped some great photos of my beautiful daughter. This is what you will see on my living room wall these days.
Jeff and Sammi don't look all that different from the one that was on my wall, but Evelyn sure does. While they were home for the July 4th holiday, we snapped this one. I love it and it hangs on my wall where the old one with a little 3 month old Evelyn used to be.
At times, I think I should put a different one up of my missionary son. The one on the wall is a graduation pictures so really not out of date. Still, when I look at it, I see this kid when my son has become a man. Call me selfish, but when I find one of him that I love with him wearing his missionary tag, it will go up. That may not happen cause so far, I don't have one.
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