A few hours after we dropped Andrew off at the MTC and Erin off at her apartment, I got a call from Kurt. My dad has not been well and has been hospitalized for several days since I left. After an MRI of the head, there was a tumor discovered. A biopsy on Wednesday afternoon confirmed it is glioblastoma. Basically, a very aggressive type of cancer. The prognosis was not positive. Possibly three months if he does nothing and perhaps a year if he has treatment.
I wasn't shocked. I still felt that very calm, peaceful feeling I had from Andrew's blessing. Although it isn't the outcome I would have chosen, I was not surprised. I knew there was something very wrong as he wasn't getting any better but rather was getting worse following his gall bladder surgery. Headaches were relentless. Loss of balance also very evident. This is in God's hands and whatever the outcome of the treatments, it will be right.
When the day comes, it will be bittersweet. Bitter because stupid cancer will have taken my daddy away from me and sweet because he then will get to be with his sweetheart, my mom. How can I possibly be sad about that? I absolutely adore my dad and always have. He was my hero as a little girl. I think he was the first man that ever danced with me. It will be hard, but for now he is living with me and I have the privilege to care for him.
2 weeks ago
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