In March I began receiving emails from my sister, Bonny. She didn't always contact me a lot due to her circumstances at home. Her phone was missing so I had my dad send her a new one. Then we started talking and texting more and more.
My dad became ill in early April and after many doctor visits, he still had the chills and felt like garbage. Finally his physician asked him if he would feel comfortable in the emergency room. He said he wouldn't feel uncomfortable so I took him. He spent the night in the hospital. Many tests overnight and the next morning and still no answers, but no fever. Still had the chills though. I stayed overnight with him on Easter Sunday as he was scheduled for a colonoscopy on Monday. Prior to going in for the procedure he still shook occasionally because of the chills. After the procedure, the chills were gone and he felt better. In fact, he felt good enough to go out to lunch and talked about his summer motorcycle trip. It was an absolute miracle!
In the mean time, I wasn't hearing anything from Bonny. Her phone had been confiscated because she invited her bishop over. I needed to let her know about my dad and so finally we called her local sheriff's department and sent an officer over to check on her. I was right, no phone. The message was delivered and she went to buy a new phone. She got her phone back due to a note she wrote about the police being at the door earlier.
Fast forward a few more days. My nephew, Tony, got a new job. The kind of job that is a once in a lifetime and too good to pass up. His family would be moving to Dallas but until then, Tony would be doing some meetings and training in Austin. Tony set up a time to visit with his aunt Bonny on Tuesday. After a visit together, he was able to get her out of the house. She stayed with the bishop and his family for a few days before we could fly her out. Initially she would be coming home with Tony, but decided she needed to get out sooner. Her flight was delayed on Wednesday afternoon due to mechanical problems and then it was delayed again on Thursday morning. Somehow, she got on a flight to Dallas and then to Chicago and finally to Green Bay. I went with Dad to pick her up. It was an absolute miracle that things worked out the way they did to get her here.
I cannot adequately express my thankfulness to my Heavenly Father for orchestrating these events. It must have seems to Him, that my endless prayers were without any faith as I just kept begging for the same things. He DOES answer prayers and better than I could have ever expected.
2 weeks ago
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