Yesterday my boys and I rode with Clare to Green Bay for my nephew Evan's "farewell" prior to leaving on his mission to Ghana. We had a good day with wonderful people. Alyssa, Lance and kids were visiting as well so my grandchildren got to play with their 2nd cousins during Primary time. Their Primary was practicing for their presentation next week, so Clare made up her own Primary for the children with Andrew assisting. They sang and had a lesson about being thankful.
I had a surprise in finding that my friend Sharmon Ward was in attendance. Her husband was in town training the new stake presidency so she and I got to spend all three hours being instructed and visiting. I absolutely love her. She is such an example of faith.
Following Relief Society my dad came and found me. He told me that an event I have been waiting years for would be happening within the next hour. I immediately felt overwhelmed and began to cry. I shared that wonderful news with Sharmon and she just hugged me and I shared my joy.
Kurt and I were both able to be a part of a very personal, sacred experience with my dad. It is something I never anticipated ever witnessing and hopefully I will never witness it again. All I can say is that I look forward with greater anticipation to be able to go to the temple with my dad again. Afterward, Kurt and I each had the opportunity to hug Dad. He thanked us for our patience and for loving him unconditionally.
I have learned to listen to the Spirit when he speaks words of comfort. Through that still, small voice, I was assured 13+ years ago that this day would come. I know that our Heavenly Father loves each of His children and yearns for them to come back. I believe it is never too late for anyone to come back after straying away. We need to be patient and loving.
I found this photo yesterday as well as this certificate of my parents' temple sealing. It is now again, more than just a piece of paper. It is in effect.
I cannot express my thankfulness enough for the atonement of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I cannot express my love enough for the priesthood holders who helped my dad on his way back to Christ. I love the Savior and the gospel he has provided and the key-holders he has given to assist us. My joy is indeed full!
2 weeks ago
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