As you know, Andrew is a high jumper like Erin and I were. I loved track and I was good at it. I don't recall how I got into coaching the sport, but I love being with those athletes for the most part. There are those on every team that I wish I didn't have to deal with, but that's part of life. I began coaching when Erin was a freshman, so I taught her everything I knew. She had a great desire to be a high jumper and she learned how. Andrew would come to practice every once in a while and he too learned how to jump.
Erin qualified for the state meet as a sophomore and then again the following two years. She never placed high enough to make it to the podium but what an accomplishment to go three years in the row. Andrew has the same goal. He worked hard this season and peaked at just the right time. However, when we got to the sectional meet, he didn't jump as well as he did at the regional meet. Unfortunately he placed 6th and didn't qualify for state.
It was difficult for me to watch him struggle and to see the disappointment he felt. As a coach it was difficult, but even moreso as his mom. I knew the disappointment he was feeling as I've been in his shoes as a jumper. When I was a junior in high school I qualified for state and placed 6th. As a senior I worked very hard and it paid off. I had the best jump of my life at the regional meet. At sectionals I was feeling confident until it started raining. I was so concerned about slipping that I didn't qualify. I will add that the year earlier the top two places advanced to state and as a senior only the winner went to state. That change kept me from competing on the big stage. The disappointment I felt was palpable. Up until that point in my life, I had never felt anything so heart wrenching.
That experience in my young life gave me the compassion I needed to know exactly how my son was feeling. I know this was very difficult for him but I'm convinced that at some point in his life he will be able to look back at this experience and remember the feelings and be able to help someone else who is feeling great disappointment. I know our Father in Heaven is mindful of my son and has great things for him to accomplish in his life. This growing experience has been difficult for him but he will rise above and become a better man because of it.
2 weeks ago
1 comment:
I'm sure he'll be able to look back and be grateful for all he earned and learned even if it didn't involve a trip to state this year, or any year for that matter. I'm sure its an awesome experience to have your mother be your coach, and such an awesome mom at that. :)
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