Tuesday, October 30, 2012

19 Years

I was digging for a story last week and looked through every possible place I could think of only to find it in the most accessible place of all.  Anyway, while searching I found several photos of my mom and her siblings/parents/grandmother.  I posted them on facebook for my extended family to see.  I noticed how classy my mom was as a teen and young adult.  Just check out how she's sitting and how she places her legs.  She's modeleque.  If that's a word.  Anyway, yesterday marked 19 years since she left this life.  I'll admit I felt a little sad and lonely for her.  I think about her often and imagine what she'd say about things, but I don't readily miss her like I used to.  Still, it never goes away.  I think I'm even closer to my dad in those 19 years.  He and I have always been close. 
I had a lot of fun looking at this beautiful woman whom I obviously didn't know.
Enjoy the pics!

 Sophomore year in high school
 10 cents to ride the bunny!

As much as I love the old photos I love this last one best because its the lady I knew and still love with her eternal sweetheart.  I always wished that I could be more like her.  I know I have many of her qualities, but then as much as we are alike, we're different.  She's probably the age I am now in this picture.  I still maintain that 55 is way too young. 
 I miss you Mom.

1 comment:

Nicky Kaye said...

I love these pictures...what wonderful memories...thank you for sharing