Unfortunately there are no photos to go with this post. Clare and Clint had a load of wood delivered to their house in early December. A few kind souls helped get it cut and split. Since then, there was just a huge pile of firewood that needed to be put somewhere.
Pat and I had a "shed" which is actually a truck box, that we weren't using anymore. We offered it to the Gourleys and they said they'd take it for a woodshed. I believe it was Decemeber 31st that we delivered it to their place.
Since that time, we've had some really mild weather. In fact the past two days have been nearly 50 degrees. Tom and I went over on Tuesday and moved a lot of wood into the woodshed. We had to quit as the dirt was turning to mud and I didn't want to create ruts in their soon-to-be lawn. We returned on Wednesday morning and this time Clint was available to help us. We moved that monstrous pile of firewood either into the woodshed or into the basement. It sure feels good to have that done for them. Now it can snow all it wants. The wood is in and dry!
I recall being that young mom with small children and how difficult it was to help my husband get wood into the house. I just wanted to help them out by doing something to help and besides it got me outside in the wonderful weather and getting some exercise. I will say that my body ached last night and I yearned for a hot bath. Didn't get one, but feel better this morning after a good night's sleep.
2 weeks ago
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